Vets Take on Lapland Arctic Ultra to Help the Rhino
Two Medivet vets will navigate 185 km of snow and ice, crossing the Arctic Circle twice as they participate in the Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra to raise money for rhinos.

Two Medivet vets will navigate 185 km of snow and ice, travelling through rivers, lakes and forests and crossing the Arctic Circle twice as they participate in the Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra. The event takes place from 6-16 March in Swedish Lapland, starting and finishing in the small town of Överkalix, in the province of Norbotten. Vets John Beel, Practice Development Director at Medivet, and David Abratt, Pricing Strategy Director, are taking part to raise funds to help save the rhino from extinction.
David Abratt is a veteran of ultra and endurance running events, having completed the Gobi Desert Ultra a gruelling multi-day race across the Gobi desert. John Beel has competed in various Ironman events and several multi-day mountaineering climbs. They decided to tackle the Lapland Arctic Ultra as it represents a different challenge and an opportunity to see a spectacular area of the world. If they are lucky, they may get to see the Northern Lights.
The two are actively training and preparing for the demands of the race, both physically and mentally, although they say getting exposed and fully prepared for the extreme environmental conditions they will face is not easy in the UK.
Medivet is a long-term supporter of the Wilderness Foundation Africa's Forever Wild Rhino Protection initiative, a global alliance of charities which aims to protect and connect wilderness, wildlife and people. In South Africa, the charity’s efforts to reduce poaching are led by Dr William Fowlds, a former Medivet employee.
Dr Beel explains: “We have signed up for this gruelling ultra despite not being sure that we even like the cold but the difficulty of the challenge to us is nothing in comparison to what this iconic species is currently facing. We have been lucky enough to work with this amazing animal and we are determined to do all we can to help them survive.”
Dr Abratt adds: “Having grown up in South Africa, the cold will be very different to anything we’ve experienced before, so we’ll be packing lots of layers! We’re looking forward to crossing the Arctic Circle and experiencing the pristine landscapes and wilderness.”
Donations to support John Beel and David Abratt’s fundraising can be made here:

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