Rupert the Great Dane Beats Cancer with the Help of Shrewsbury Vets
A four-year-old Great Dane called Rupert has won the Medivet 24 Hour Shrewsbury Braveheart Award for beating cancer.

Described by the practice as a “giant love bug”, Rupert initially visited the practice in Shrewsbury back in June for a routine booster vaccination. During his consultation, the vet noticed he had enlarged lymph nodes and decided to investigate further as this can be a sign of a cancer called lymphoma.
Following inspection and further testing, Rupert was sadly diagnosed with cancer, but following a heart scan to check he was strong enough, the team agreed he would be a great candidate for chemotherapy.
Rupert’s owners agreed to pursue treatment and the team started him on the gold-standard treatment for lymphoma in dogs, consisting of four cycles of weekly chemotherapy injections. Vet Surgeon Matteo was in charge of administering Rupert’s chemo with a Nurse on hand every week to help and make sure Rupert was as comfortable as possible.
He handled the chemotherapy drug brilliantly and only showed mild side effects, meaning he didn’t require any breaks in his treatment.
We’re pleased to say Rupert’s treatment was a success and he went into a complete remission after the fourth week of treatment, just before the end of the fourth cycle.
The Medivet 24 Hour Shrewsbury team were all so impressed with Rupert that they awarded him a Braveheart Award and a toy for his bravery.
Rupert is still in remission after his recent health check and whilst the team will miss seeing him around the practice, they couldn’t be happier for him and his owner.